Council Grove Round Up 2018 W/SW

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Offline asis

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Council Grove Round Up 2018 W/SW
« on: July 14, 2018, 11:00:35 PM »
12 hours from my first kickstand up at the house to kickstand down in the garage. My math is 196 from home to home, 135 from CG to dinner @ CG.
I hooked up with Roger and Dane. Roger had the app and some points to look for so Dane and I were Like howdy Roger, which way!
Some light/very light rain to start the day but with that was lots of cloud cover and the temps were pretty fine all day for July!
No route planned for the points and no active GPS or knowledge of using it in the group, Several attempts did get us to the Diamond Spring Cemetery to log one point. At some point I decided I know where we need to go, screw to point, this is new how about:
I have been on my maps :D and crudely plotted our course from the cemetery to Elmdale. I will attach the file and maybe Roger can make a plot or Dane when Roger does his report.
Enjoyed the small group and adventure. Immensely enjoyed day. Dane is really great about seeking and learning local ;) Film @11 :)
After lunch in Strong City, Roger needed to get headed home so up 177 until I found the first non-pavement road heading east. Said our so longs till next time, and Dane and I headed out toward Kahola. Worked our way back to CG and we both wanted to see the missle silo so east out of town we did ride. 8 miles of pavement (doh) to road D and a mile north to a big disappointment. No way did I nor Dane want to do that pavement back so tried north to a dead end then back south, across 56 south to find no pavement back. About 2 miles west of Bushong, which used to be a whistle stop on the rail, we come across the weirdest sign...bicycles and sumin else....was almost a sidewalk in nowhere lol. Gotta say it was tempting but we trudged on and weasled our way back to Dunlap rd and back to town.

The dinner was setup for VIP and the food was down home and awesome.
Really pissed I missed Ladies night, but next year I should have teeth again.

Thanks to Marc, Council Grove, and my riding buddies today.

Can't upload a word doc :(
Diamond Springs Cemetery
38°33'17.1"N 96°44'27.6"W
38.554758, -96.741003
Min maint, no dead end sign
38°32'12.2"N 96°44'09.3"W
38.536708, -96.735927
Pic taken, Dane dominoed.
38°32'12.8"N 96°47'07.2"W
38.536901, -96.785340
a road south:
38°32'13.4"N 96°49'10.4"W
38.537047, -96.819547
Dead end:
38°31'20.9"N 96°49'10.2"W
38.522484, -96.819511
2nd road south:
38°32'13.8"N 96°50'16.8"W
38.537161, -96.838004

nother dead end:
38°29'07.8"N 96°50'17.0"W
38.485510, -96.838067
also dead end:

38°29'36.1"N 96°49'43.8"W
38.493366, -96.828844

more south:
38°29'36.3"N 96°51'06.7"W
38.493411, -96.851855
more south, looking for east:
38°28'44.2"N 96°51'23.2"W
38.478936, -96.856454
Wahoo, East. Damn where does that road SW go...another day:
38°27'52.3"N 96°51'23.2"W
38.464540, -96.856436

stribby creek:
38°27'52.4"N 96°48'22.4"W
38.464541, -96.806216
Does it go through east? Nope dead end:
38°26'07.0"N 96°47'30.8"W
38.435275, -96.791883
middle creek:
38°25'13.4"N 96°47'30.4"W
38.420382, -96.791789
county road >east:
38°24'49.5"N 96°47'30.0"W
38.413751, -96.791679
middle creek:

38°23'55.2"N 96°41'25.6"W
38.398667, -96.690451


38°22'23.1"N 96°38'44.6"W
38.373076, -96.645708

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Re: Council Grove Round Up 2018 W/SW
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2018, 07:04:45 AM »
Had a great at our first 2018 Council Grove Roundup. We had 14 rider show up and the weather started out perfect for July, light rain, clouds and 71 degrees to start the day out. Everyone found riding partners and started to head out, many found new things, new roads. The City of CG did a fantastic job of helping out with any of our needs. Dinner was smoked pork, beans and the fixings. CG is always a great town to be around, so much old history, cool places to see and to eat at. The Cottage House was very helpful in giving us the old Dinning roam for our dinner. I would like to thank all the sponsors, Bill Blue, Mid America Power sports, Dan's Cycle, and Cycle Gear. Would also like to thank Everyone for coming out to this event, thanks the city of CG council for all the help and for allowing us to have this event in there city, and Nick Bright for the scavenger hunt format for our ride. It was new to all of us, but everyone took it as a new learning experience, and learned how it is really a fun way to have ride. Looking forward to next, already starting to plan it.
Please feel free to message me on any ideas or changes you all would like to see for next year.
Photos posted on Facebook.
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Offline asis

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Re: Council Grove Round Up 2018 W/SW
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2018, 01:47:23 PM »
My choice pics:
05' KLR 650
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Re: Council Grove Round Up 2018 W/SW
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2018, 05:36:30 PM »
I'd like to thank Marc for organizing this event and Council Grove for their hospitality.  I met a lot of great people on this ride and I hope our Brit friend Dunc enjoyed his tour of the Flint Hills.
I was very happy to have the light rain and lower temps instead of the 100 degree temps and dust of Friday.  I joined up with Dane Hicks and Scott Smith.  We weren't as prepared as we needed to be.  I had the ActionBound app and the map file but somehow didn't get them downloaded to my phone.  When were were out of cell range, which was most of the time, we were flying blind.  We made our first point, Diamond Springs cemetery but couldn't find the others.  Dane and Scott wanted to check out DD Avenue which turned out to be an awesome minimal maintenance road that went about 5 miles without a crossroad.  We just meandered south and west checking out likely looking roads and we had a lot of fun and took in some great scenery.
We eventually hit Hiway 150 which we took to Chase lake and Cottonwood Falls. 
We stopped in Strong City to have lunch at a Mexican place.  Dane, shy guy that he is :), spotted a guitar and struck up a conversation with the owner, Alex.  Alex played guitar and sang for us.  He did a song I think he called "El Rancho de Tejas" that showcased his voice and some great whistling.  Then he did the classic "[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]Cielito Llindo" [/color][color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)][/size](the Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay song). [/color][color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)][/size]  [/color][color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)][/size]To top things off, Dane took the guitar and treated us to an acoustic rendition of Bob Seger's "Turn the Page" and Scott played some guitar for us.  What an unexpected treat.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)][/size]We headed north on Hiway 177.  At the Morris county line, we said our goodbyes as Dane and Scott headed east for some more backroads and I headed home to Topeka.  [/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)][/size]I was having some clutch issues which were getting worse but made it home OK and I have a new clutch ordered.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)][/size]I really hated to miss the dinner Saturday night and I will make every effort to attend next year.[/color]


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Re: Council Grove Round Up 2018 W/SW
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2018, 07:11:14 PM »
Asis thanks very much for the very detailed (coordinates!) info on things that didn't work. I'll make sure to remove that stuff from the list. PM me anything you think would make a good addition as well!
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