Update: Kansas Dual Sport Safari early registration deadline May 24

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Offline danehicks

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    • Kansas Dual Sport Safari
DANGER WILL ROBINSON...if you don't register for the Safari in Garnett by May 24 you'll have to pay an extra $15 bucks, which is, like a can and a half of chain lube.

ANNOUNCEMENT... Due to issues with some riders and property owners last year and the subsequent loss of some additional riding properties this year, there will be NO TRAIL ride offering at the Safari for 2021. Still lots of awesome gravel & mm road routes and all the usual Safari fellowship & fun – but no trails this year.

If you've already registered and were counting on riding trails but now don't want to make the trip due to this change, just let me know and we will gladly refund your registration.

Details and registration info here:
DANGER WILL ROBINSON...if you don't register for the Safari in Garnett by May 24 you'll have to pay an extra $15 bucks, which is, like a can and a half of chain lube.

ANNOUNCEMENT... Due to issues with some riders and property owners last year and the subsequent loss of some additional riding properties this year, there will be NO TRAIL ride offering at the Safari for 2021. Still lots of awesome gravel & mm road routes and all the usual Safari fellowship & fun – but no trails this year.

If you've already registered and were counting on riding trails but now don't want to make the trip due to this change, just let me know and we will gladly refund your registration.

Details and registration info here: